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30 Jul 2015

The Pressing Need for Healthcare Integration and Migration for Effective Patient Care

The greatest challenge faced by the healthcare industry today is addressing the complicated issues relating to converting separate islands of healthcare data into integrated and unified data or information for medical professionals, researchers, clinicians, administrators and everyone who is even remotely concerned with the process of healthcare delivery.

The Purpose
Any information that is generated by clinical activities and utilized for medical purposes have a complex and extended life-cycle. This data is relevant to a patient specific system and is effective in providing data and information for healthcare decisions and activities, documenting clinical and treatment history and supporting the billing as well as the reimbursement procedures. This information is productive for QA assessments, clinical research, and support processes relating to administrative decision-making.

The greatest challenge is to convert all this relevant healthcare data and information into an automated and electronic format. This has become vital today as this helps in enhancing quality of life and lowering the overall cost relating to patient care, e-prescribing, coming up with e-health solutions effective in medication management, home care, payment reconciliation, etc.

The Necessity
If you have been dodging the process of healthcare migration and integration, you have been willingly overlooking possibly the most important paradigm shift which is taking place across the entire healthcare industry. The exclusivity of the medical industry is being replaced by a more efficient system, as the IT industry is overlapping with it in several healthcare fields.

This allows the present infrastructure to be improved upon and made much more efficient than it is. As the cloud takes center stage, we see more and more revolutions being made in every field in terms of time and space. To deny this revolution in patient analytics and medical applications would be to miss a spot on the only train which leads to the future. Visit for some expert cloud solutions and smart strategies.


Some Striking Advantages
Healthcare integration proves to be extremely fruitful as you can access all data fields. Though data can be accessed using a multiple vendor system, the ability for designing and producing reports with relevant information from multiple locations seems to be limited while utilizing a multiple vendor system, but it is unlimited while utilizing an integrated system. Another drawback of interfaced or the multiple vendor system seems to be when the system breaks down, data is lost and is irretrievable.

Patient data and all kinds of information relevant to patient care and treatment is usually accumulated from numerous sources and in myriad forms. Healthcare information is usually collected from varied healthcare applications and several diagnostic machines. The healthcare integration and migration is fruitful in integrating varied data forms into the relevant healthcare applications.

Today it has become quite simple to design and produce diagnostic reports because it is now possible to integrate data from innumerable platforms. You may also generate impressive reductions in the overall patient care cost.

Besides the increased operational productivity and efficiency, integrated healthcare IT systems allow large-scale information sharing, collaboration and synchronization over a variety of devices operating on the same platform, without any layered software and complicated system administration. Not only does it get the job done faster, it gets it done better too. The scope for human error is reduced to zero, as the entire system is automated and secure.

These systems not only serve as a cohesive database for all your information, but also as an interface for several institutions, agencies and patients too. There are no extra vendor costs and the cost of maintenance is extremely low. The learning curve isn’t too steep once you are given a kick start and most of your data is uploaded already. In today’s world, there is absolutely no reason not to jump on the healthcare IT bandwagon. It makes life healthier and easier for everyone.

The effects of implementation of integrated systems into your institution are manifold, ranging from the financial aspect (reduced expenditure and increased revenue) to the mechanical aspect (reduced time span per operation and increased operational efficiency) and finally to the human aspect- better, quicker, more accurate diagnosis, better treatment, patient satisfaction, welfare and goodwill.

 Mirko Soloff

About the Author:

Mirko Soloff is a professional at an IT solutions firm, dedicated to reviewing hardware, architecture and priorities and implementing new structures and programs to help manage systems better. To Know more Please visit this site