google-site-verification=rELuVVyS5Y8o0Ezst8ITY3su3PIT5khzDgo-anRp4o8 How Important is High Speed Internet in Social Media? ~ Tech Senser - Technology and General Guide

26 Oct 2012

How Important is High Speed Internet in Social Media?

Social media has enjoyed explosive growth in recent years and can be credited for changing the way people obtain information and even the way they communicate with each other. At present, various studies have already shown how majority of consumers today use the Internet one way or another prior to making any kind of decision as to what product or service to avail of.

You’ve done a good thing for your company if you have already integrated social media in your campaign, but without a fast and reliable Internet connection, you are left with a marketing campaign that’s driven by a nice-looking car with a poorly performing engine.

Managing your social media campaign requires extensive skills and experience in multitasking. However, your expertise in juggling various tasks won’t make a difference if you do not have the right Internet connection to support you in your work.

A comprehensive social media campaign may require you to post a new entry in your blog, tweet about it, and share it via a wall post on Facebook – all at the same time. The only way to perform all those things simultaneously is if your download speed is high or fast enough to accommodate your needs.

Immediate Responses
Customer service is all about timing. More to the point, people prefer to work with online businesses or websites known for having excellent customer service. These businesses promptly respond to live chat prompts, emails, and VoIP calls. But again, the only way you can be assured of the ability to respond quickly to your customers’ concerns is to subscribe to a fast and reliable Internet service.

Massive Downloads
From time to time, your social media campaign may require you to download a huge amount of material from the Internet. This can be anything from advanced web programs you purchased online to multimedia files which your business may require.

Whatever kind of files you may need to download from the Internet, keep in mind that download speeds don’t just depend on the bandwidth allotted to you by the file-hosting site. Half of it will also depend on the speed of your connection as well. And if your connection happens to be unreliable then you should expect to frequently start from scratch until you finally download a file in one go.

Uninterrupted Communication
There are so many ways for you to keep in touch with your customers or even potential investors or partners online.
  • Web-based chatting software (e.g. MIRC, ICQ)
  • Instant messaging service (e.g. Yahoo Messenger, Skype)
  • Email (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail)
  • Social networking (e.g. Linked In, Facebook)
  • Blogging and micro-blogging (e.g. WordPress, Twitter)
  • Photo-blogging (e.g. Instagram, Pinterest)
Whichever method you choose to communicate online, you cannot expect to have a smooth and uninterrupted conversation with the other party without high speed Internet. Without reliable Internet service, it’s likely that you’ll find your delays or lags in your conversation – which can be quite annoying if they tend to take place every few minutes. For your social media campaign to work the exact way you envisioned, you need to invest in the fastest and most reliable Internet service you can afford.

Guest Author

About the Guest Author:

The author is a freelance article writer.She writes mainly aboout tech, SEO, and Social Media topics.