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19 Jul 2013

5 IOS Apps To Take The Stress Out Of Moving

Moving homes can be a tedious and tiresome experience. However, there are ways to make the process less cumbersome. One of the best ways to handle a move is to get yourself as organized as possible.

With that goal in mind, here are 5 iOS apps that will make your iPhone or iPad the best tool in your hands to tackle the problems associated with moving residences.

Moving House

 Moving House is a basic moving app that should definitely be able to find a place on your iPhone or iPad. Essentially, the app helps to break down the moving process into three segments: before moving day, the actual moving day, and after moving day. With so many things to look out for, breaking everything down into three distinct segments really helps establish priorities.

The app has a list of the most common activities associated with moving homes. Simply add an activity into the relevant category so that you know exactly when it needs to be done. Besides the default activities, the app also gives you the option to create, classify and list custom activities.

Home Move Pro

Home Move Pro is almost the best moving app in the iTunes store, emphasis on the ‘almost’. The app’s main strength is that it is feature packed. Sadly, it is also Home Move Pro’s greatest weakness. With so much on offer, most users struggle to navigate through the various features at their fingertips.

Besides the standard checklist, the app also lets you take pictures so that you can document where every box and package needs to go. The app also gives you the ability to record audio notes, as well as geo-tag locations.

If you are comfortable exploring the full potential of your iOS device and do not consider yourself to be technologically challenged, then Home Move Pro might just be the only moving app you may ever need.

Moving Van

The first thing people do after moving into their new homes is to unpack all the essential items. However, what greets them is a sea of identical packaging boxes and you are left without a clue as to what item is in which box.

Most people number all the boxes to make sure nothing gets lost, but they cannot be expected to remember which items are contained within a box simply by looking at a number or a brief description.

For example, would the pair of scissor be in the ‘3-kitchen’ or the ‘7-knick knacks’ box?  Moving Van allows you to create a detailed inventory as to what item is being packed into which box. Not only does the app help you get organized while packing, it can be a life saver when it comes to unpacking in your new home.


MoveMatch is one of those aps that truly harnesses the power of your iOS device. One of the biggest issues during the process is trying to figure out just how much space your things are going to take once packed up in boxes.

The volume of space required is an important thing to know since the quotes you get from various moving companies is dependent on this number. Also, when moving homes, you may take the opportunity to rent a self-storage unit in order to put some things in short term or long term storage.

Knowing how much space is required will let you rent out a storage unit that is just the right size. Rent too big of a unit and you will be overpaying; rent a unit that is too small and you will find a lot of the stuff making its way back with you.

Moving Checklist

Sometimes, the best solutions are often the simplest ones. If you like to keep things simple and would like to continue doing so when moving homes, the Moving Checklist is the app for you. The app contains some of the most basic checklists you will need handy when planning a move.

However, do not let the app’s simplicity fool you; through it’s easy-to-use checklists, Moving Checklist can help you get so well organized, you might even surprise yourself at the how efficient you have become. Besides a plethora of checklists, the app also has the latest tips and tricks from professional moving companies, to make your life a bit easier.

Whenever you are planning to move houses, make sure that your iOS device is locked and loaded with these amazingly helpful apps.

  Richard Dent

About the Author:

The author of this post, Richard Dent, is a part of the team at Abacus Self Storage, a company that offers safe and secure storage units on rental basis to people across Canada. He has a keen interest in exploring mobile devices and applications and enjoys sharing his ideas and app recommendations via blogging.