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24 Sept 2013

What Exactly Is Google Glass?

Another day, another invention in the world of technology.  Where will it end?  What will be next? Well, the bods at Google have come up with a new invention, Google Glass.

For all those geeks out there, you will probably be wondering what it does.  But according to Google, Google Glass is not just for geeks, it is for everyone.  Taking 10,000 people, Google decided to test it out, on DJ’s, to dentists, teachers to doctors and athletes to architects.

Google Glass is essentially the internet in your eye socket.  As scary as that sounds it means that the glasses work like a smartphone.  Sort of like your iPhone as a pair of glasses. Using voice commands you can dictate what the glass does and how it acts.  For example, a hands-free camera means that you can take photos and videos through voice commands.

A tap on the right hand side of the frame will link to directly to the internet and you can also swipe to scroll through the menu.

A cycle case study
If you are a cyclist, for example, you would be able to use Google Glass to:
-  Get directions without having to stop
-  Take photos whilst riding
-  Find out how to repair your bike in a matter of seconds
-  Film your ride
-  Track your ride as you go

This is probably not ideal if you are not a competent rider as your full attention should be on the road at all times.  But it really could be revolutionary in such sports as cycling, running and even skateboarding.

Google Glass?
Image credits:

However, it is not without its problems.  Being so small and having so much functionality means that the Google Glass does have a short battery life.  It also means that if you are in a noisy area, and are trying to yell commands at it, you could struggle.

What does make Google Glass ideal for busy workers and commuters though, is the fact that it is hands free.  You don’t have to end your call once you need to pick up your morning coffee and pick up your briefcase.

Google Glass is as light as your average pair of sunglasses and the future looks to make them adaptable with people’s normal eyewear.  But at the moment it hasn't appeared to take over the use of regular smartphones.  And what about insurance?  Well, that is a whole other kettle of fish.

But Google Glass could be the very next thing.  From hikers wanting to take pictures whilst running up hills to cyclists shooting videos on the road.  But for now you will probably have to stick with your smartphone.

And, if you are a hiker who loves to run up hills, a cyclist who likes to shoot videos or anyone else with a smartphone, then mobile phone insurance is definitely a must. If you own a gadget then you will want to protect it, and mobile phone insurance is the best way to do this.

   Bill Turner

About the Author:

Bill Turner is a fanatic about technology, he writes about a wide spectrum of topics, but his passion lies with gadgets.