google-site-verification=rELuVVyS5Y8o0Ezst8ITY3su3PIT5khzDgo-anRp4o8 10 Gmail Gadgets You Can Try ~ Tech Senser - Technology and General Guide

29 Jan 2012

10 Gmail Gadgets You Can Try

Google Gadgets
In the previous article I posted how to Add Gadgets in Your Gmail Sidebar. From there you can know how to add gadgets to your Gmail. Now I will give you some most famous, popular and useful gadgets to add in your Gmail account.

If you still don't know how add these gadgets click here.

Here’s a list of ten gadgets I’ve found worth trying out. Just copy the code below and paste it in your gadget.

1. Wikipedia 

You all know about Wikipedia. Get news in your Gmail.
Wikipedia Gadget

2. Google Calculator

 You can make some calculations while writing email.

3. Note

Add a sticky note to the corner of your Gmail account.

4. Remember the Milk

If you’re a fan of this task management system, you can access all your “Remember the milk” notes from right within Gmail can be super handy.

5. PolyClock

 Gives you the time of day for any place of the world.

6. Currency Converter

A real time currency converter
Currency converter gadget

7. URL shortener

It lets you shorten URLs in a single click
URL Shortener gadget

8. Chuck Norris fact generator 

It displays a different “Chuck Norris fact” every day of the year.

9. Google Calender

Displays your Google Calendar agenda right from Gmail.
Google Calender Gadget

10. Google Docs

You can access to your most recent documents.
Google Docs Gadget

You can get more gadgets optimized for iGoogle on this page, and many of them work well in Gmail too