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10 Sept 2012

The Top Platforming Games On iPhone

Platforming Games On iPhone
The iPhone is gradually becoming more and more powerful with each iteration, and each new design it seems is more impressive than the last. With the iPhone 5 just around the corner, the potential graphical and gameplay capabilities of the site are starting to allow for proper gaming and the same kind of experience that was once reserved for console owners only.

Unfortunately what lets the iPhone down in this regard is the small screen and lack of physical controls – which can make playing 3D big-budget games a little fiddly and hard to see to say the least. The secret to enjoying games on the iPhone then is to stick to the right genre, and one of the best genres for playing on the small screen is undoubtedly the good old-fashioned platform game.

These games are simple and straightforward with easy controls by design and have that kind of 'pick up and play' mentality that is well suited to portable gaming. Here are some of the best to start out with.

• Sonic:

Sonic and Mario are unarguably the kings of platforming, but unfortunately Mario is still owned by Nintendo and still only appearing on Nintendo devices. Sonic however has broken free of his shackles and is now found on pretty much every device you can imagine.

On iPhone he appears in both is classic form (Sonic 1, 2 & CD) for the platforming you probably remember from your youth and in an update form (Sonic 4 Episode 1 & 2) for updated graphics and added gameplay mechanics.

• Shinobi:

If playing Sonic fills you with nostalgia for your old genesis then you'll probably also enjoy Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja. The game was highly ahead of its time with a plethora of moves available to the kickass hero and a range of diverse side-scrolling levels that keep things fresh and it's for those reasons that this is one of the few games from that era that stands the test of time.

• Rayman:

Rayman is another gaming mascot, but this guy has never been tied to one device. Rayman 2 provides one of the best 3D platformers out there and features the beautiful art and animatios that the character is known for.

• Cordy:

Cordy is a platformer that is designed especially for phones and it's a lot of phone, challenging you to run through space-themed levels as a small robot while solving puzzles and using your power cord to switch things on and swing from poles. Unfortunately the levels are a bit samey in appearance, and it's slightly frustrating that you have to collect so much to progress, but it's nonetheless a charming and attractive platformer for all ages.

• Oscura:

Oscura has a very indie feel to it, and especially if you've ever played Limbo. The graphics are beautiful with glowing greens and reds against a silhouetted background, and the lighting finishes it off. It's a bit simplistic and more could have been done with the gameplay mechanics, but it's certainly worth your time.

• Toki Tori:

Toki Tori is a great little platformer with a retro feel. You control a flightless bright yellow bird through an impressive array of attractive levels, and this really is a very authentic platforming experience.

Jamy Ben

About the Guest Author:

Jamy Ben is a tech enthusiast and loves writing articles about technology. He specializes in fixing smartphones including broken touch screens and iPhone water damage.