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16 Sept 2012

Top 5 Apps for Bodybuilders

Apps for Bodybuilders
There is something for everyone in the App Store. Among the various categories are workout apps that help body builders stay healthy and fit. Bodybuilding apps are among the most common and most downloaded apps.

If you use your phone to plan your workout routines, learn new exercises or simply keep track of exercise, try one of the following top 5 apps for body builders.

• IFitness

IFitness is one of the most popular apps. This app contains a large database of exercises that provide a full body workout. IFitness is estimated to offer a minimum of 230 exercises categorized by muscle groups and body regions.

Over 100 instructional videos are also included in this package together with 12 unique fitness routines crafted by experts. Other features include graphing technology, stopwatch timers and workout logs. The app is available for $1.99.

• GymGoal ABC

GymGoal ABC helps beginners learn the basics of weight lifting. This app comprises of a database of over 280 exercises explained in written instructions and animated illustrations. It also includes a minimum of 39 strength-training exercises and about 24 cardio exercises. 

Users have the ability to create new routines or add their existing routines to the program. This app comes with calculators to compute the body mass index, body fat percentage and heart rate. Body building enthusiasts can obtain this app for $4.99.

• StrengthView

Strength View helps users keep track of all aspects of their resistance training. It comes loaded with numerous cardio and resistance training exercises for different body parts and muscles. This app also comes with a tracking feature that allows body builders to monitor the number of sets done. 

Strength View is extremely thorough and can track sets by weight, frequency and rest time. The data is tabulated in a graph and provides trending information for a specific period. Strength View is available for $1.99 in the App Store.

• IWeight Deluxe

IWeight Deluxe assists users with organizing their dieting plans and tracking their weight gains and losses. This app works by presenting users’ progress and information in calendar view. IWeight Deluxe lets users amend the calendar system to log the amount of exercise completed, their current weight and water intake. 

This app also comes with helpful stress management and dieting tips. With a state of the art GPS system, iWeight Deluxe is popular because of its ability to find fitness centres in any location. This app is available for $0.99.

• IPump Abs & Core

IPump Abs & Core is a comprehensive tool developed to help bodybuilders focus on and develop their midsections. It comes packed with a minimum of nine workouts that strengthen and tone the abdominals, obliques and lower back.

Also included in the program are over 62 pictures, video, and audio training material stipulating how to complete each exercise. Users can also log information to track their progress over time. Individuals interested in toning their core can purchase this app for $1.99.


About the Guest Author:

Tony is a technology enthusiast and one of the top natural bodybuilders in Australia. He says there are two things he couldn't train without; Apps and protein powder. Tony says using Apps has been great for keeping track of his results and recommends them to bodybuilders of all levels.