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28 Oct 2012

5 Benefits Of Using Cleanrooms In The Electronic Industry

When developing products in many electronic industries, following precise manufacturing procedures helps to ensure accuracy in the high technological processes.

One of the basic procedures requires working in an environment that is clean and devoid of any airborne particles. Cleanrooms are built to ensure that the ideal conditions are created for the manufacturing process. Cleanrooms are units or enclosed spaces that are specially constructed with enhanced environmental controls.

Production in terms of quantity and quality is affected by the conditions in which the products are manufactured. Manufacturing companies choose cleanroom designs depending on the items they are creating.

The ideal environment is one that meets the required conditions in different areas including humidity, temperature, air pressure, vibration, airflow patterns and motion and lighting. Following are benefits of using a cleanroom in the electronics industry.

  1. It helps to improve the quality of the items produced, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. The electronic industry deals with intricate parts that have to be created under strict conditions and specifications. Too much humidity or even dust particles, can negatively affect the product.
  2. By improving the manufacturing process, the company is able to enhance production, which leads to increased profitability. This makes the cleanroom a worthwhile investment for any industry.
  3. Cleanrooms come in different sizes and they are built with different specifications to suit every industry. Some units are created for areas that require high cleanliness, while others are for those areas that require a lower level of cleanliness. In some industries, the entire factory can be a cleanroom.
  4. The systems provide an essential facility that helps in research and production. The specialized equipment helps the manufacturer to design, create and test products effectively.
  5. Having the controlled environment for production helps to reduce wastage, this can be occasioned by contaminants that interfere with the items being produced. Particle deposits can destroy the products, which leads to wastage.

To make sure that the best conditions are maintained for the clean room, stringent measures have to be taken. Those who work in a high-level cleanroom are usually required to wear specially made outfits and pass through an airlock to access the area. A clean room is different from an ordinary room in the following ways:
  • It has increased air supply as a way to control particles by eliminating them. This helps to achieve high levels of cleanliness
  • The room is pressurized to the ideal levels by supplying increased air and ensuring that less air is extracted.
  • High efficiency filters are used to ensure that the air getting into the room is filtered of even the smallest particles.
The design of the cleanroom will determine its effectiveness. The best rooms are made using smooth, chip resistant materials that are cleanable. Plastic, sheet vinyl and epoxy-coated products are the common materials used in cleanroom designs. A minimum of seams and joints are used in order to enhance the design. The doors and panels should be flush mounted for best results. Investing in a good quality clean room will help to ensure the best production results for the company.

      Ed Smith

About the Guest Author:

Ed Smith is a Melbourne based home renovator and an avid blogger. He is hands on with the working of industrial Spray Booth Filters