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22 Nov 2012

5 Awesome Strategies to Improve Your Landing Page

Improve Your Landing Page
You can increase your sales if you have a great landing page or homepage. What is a landing page?
A landing page or your website home page is the first page that your customers see. When your customers visit your website or your landing page when they clicked on an ad, you want to make sure that you have clear instructions on what they need to do to order your product.

Creating great landing pages often results in improved sales.  When creating a landing page please consider the following:
  • In the process of creating your landing page, write down a few questions that you specifically want your first page to answer.
  • Determine what drives the most revenue, sales and people. Paying attention to all types of conversions will help you do this.
  • Using various offers, build every landing page and include links for extra information and an easy purchase method.
Making your landing page clear and easy to use for your clients is important. This way, they will end up clicking links, other articles, advertisements or offers you are featuring. Other than making your landing page clear and simple, follow these other creative ways to have a great landing page.

1.    Split TestingTo find a great landing page, design a few landing pages then split test them. You will find the best design will have the most conversions. Also, split-test a few headlines. Creating attention-grabbing headlines is important. This way you will know which ones are truly effective and which ones you need to stay away from.

2.    Test Various ColorsTesting a variety of colors on your page is important. Experimenting with border, banner, font and background color is a good idea. Tracking each result and letting a few combinations run for a few weeks to see which color combination and design gets you the results you are looking for. Keep in mind that in subtle ways, color influences human behavior and the right color combination can result in individuals taking specific actions.

3.    Crucial Information PlacementPut most of the site information where your customer can see it the moment they visit your landing page for the first time. Design your website so that everything that is of high importance is put on a location that visitors eyes see immediately.

4.    Add Professional MultimediaOn your landing page, add multimedia to make it stand out from the hoard of first pages that clutter the net. Use videos, images,  audio and other multimedia to convince visitors that they are on a professional site. Making your page different from other landing pages is highly recommended.

5.    Avoid Certain TechniquesYou also need to avoid a few strategies like promising prizes, flashing banners, pop-unders and pop-ups. For most visitors, these are all red flags that cause clients to assume that you are a spam site and only after their money. Many potential customers have gotten quite web-savvy and when you have included techniques that make them feel like they are being 'scammed' you may be repelling customers rather than attracting customers.

Use these strategies mentioned to market and design your landing page. They can all be applied to help you improve your click-through rate on your landing page. Remember, that the above strategies are not costly and they will help market your product better on the web. It can also seem like an endless, complicated game of trial and error, however, creating a great landing page will help grow your business.

Lastly, the most important thing to take away from this article is that you need to make your landing page or home page very clear and simple to use. Lost sales are usually the result of customers getting confused with your website, landing page, and the process of purchasing your products or services.

     Mark Jones

About the Guest Author:

Article writen by Mark Jones of OSI Affiliate Marketing Software.  To view more articles to help your business check out the Affiliate Marketing Blog.