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23 Nov 2012

Top 3 Tips On How To Create A Good Website

Create A Good Website
Having a good website is no longer a preserve for elite businesses only. Not only does a website show the face of a business but it can also act as a strong marketing tool. Many businesses overlook the functions of a website and therefore end up creating websites that do not really represent their aspiration.

There is nothing as bad as a poorly built website since it only repulses customers from your business. With the technological advancements in the area of web design in the recent years, web design has been made quite easy. In this day and age it is one thing to design a website but another thing when it comes to designing a good website.

Many tools such as drupal and word press make web design easy but one has to familiarize themselves on how to use these powerful tools. The following are top 3 website building tips that will ensure that businesses design websites that add value to both them and their clients;

The greatest element of any website is always its functionality. Design a website that works well and is easy to go through the major areas. Consider Using a content management system such as WordPress or Drupal in order to improve the functionality of your website. Most content management systems have

Plug-inns that allow a user to customize his website in a preferred way. After finishing designing your website consider adding additional features such as linking your site to social media in order to market it to more people.

The second most critical tip for designing a good website is content. In web design content is key. Content in a web site will decide whether a customer will visit the website again or not. The content of your website determines how people perceive you and whether they will think of you as being serious or not. Choose words very carefully when writing content for your website. This will ensure that clients are not only drawn to your website but also enjoy reading content in it. When writing content for your website always consider the following;

- Do thorough research about a topic before posting it on your website.
-Do not use long paragraphs that will simply bore guest or make them not want to read your content.
- Last but not least vary sentences so that they are neither too long nor too short.

The last and most important tip is design. A website can be likened to a house. When one enters a house that is well lit and has good decor his or her face is bound to light up. The same thing happens to visitors of a website. When a person logs onto your website, if it is beautiful it is bound to give him the same effect.

Design is very crucial in web design therefore one should take some time in this area. If you luck the technical know how consider asking for some help from an expert in order to come up with a beautiful design that will attract people to your site.

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The author of "Top 3 tips on how to create a good website" is a writer at