google-site-verification=rELuVVyS5Y8o0Ezst8ITY3su3PIT5khzDgo-anRp4o8 A Future without Internet ~ Tech Senser - Technology and General Guide

13 May 2013

A Future without Internet

Take a look at the phone in your hand and try to imagine that the only thing it could do was send text messages and make phone calls. What if there were no smartphones, no Google, and gasp no email.

You get a call from an important client and they just received a notice that must be addressed that day, but you're out of town without access to a fax machine. Perhaps you have a need to research a topic for school or work, but there is no search engine to find the information you need quickly.

Suddenly you find yourself trapped between rows and rows of bookshelves in the local library looking for reference material that is both thorough and recent.

Back to the Future?

Millions of Americans have gone away from long and complicated tax forms in favor of e-filing through Turbo Tax or similar services. Many employers and employees have gone away from the traditional paper payroll checks in favor of direct deposit and online banking.

How much more complicated would life be if we found ourselves standing in line at the bank every Friday afternoon at 5:15pm? Instead of the convenience of online bill payments we would have to cut checks and mail out bills every week.

Imagine traveling out of state to see family and over the holiday you slip on the slopes and land on your head. You are being rushed to a strange hospital to be seen by a doctor who has no way of knowing your medical history. Without any way of knowing what medications you are allergic to or what type of procedures you have had done, he is flying blind when it comes to your emergency care.

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It's amazing to think about what our world would be like without something as simple as the Internet. We've become so accustomed to having the world at our fingertips that it's scary to imagine what our future would be without it.

This connected network of wires and computers and storage has become such a large part of our everyday lives in every facet of our society that we can't seem to imagine a world without it. Or at least one that sounds like fun. Our internet service providers have become as important as our banks and grocery stores.

It is difficult to imagine what our lives would be like without all of the conveniences the internet has to offer and it has been the growth of the providers both in quantity and quality that have allowed these dreams to come to fruition.

Big and small, Internet service providers have facilitated the greatest technological advances of the last quarter century. Whether the industry is medical, financial, or personal, being able to consistently access the internet from home, on the road, and in the office has transformed every aspect of our lives.

Those internet companies that have withstood the test of time and have been able to offer reliable service at an affordable rate have taken a convenient luxury and made it widespread.

Given how far the nature of the internet has come in just the past decade, it is not difficult to imagine that it will continue to expand and develop in the future and the role of quality internet service providers will continue to grow with the needs of society.

Faizan Ahmad

About the Author:

This article is posted by Faizan who is the Author and Founder of TechSenser. He is a Professional Blogger from India and a passionate writer about Technology, Gadgets, How-to-Guides, etc. You can connect him on Google+.