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20 May 2013

iPhone vs Android: Which Is More Popular?

"Can you tell which is more popular between Android and iPhone"

When it comes to choose between Android and iPhone it is very hard to choose and say which is more popular. There is definitely a great deal of debate in the arena of smartphones. There is one major question that is circulating throughout this debate: Has the GREAT iPhone dynasty fallen? The subsequent question being:

Has the device with the heritage of knocking the Blackberry off the pinnacle of the mountain finally succumb to something greater?

Well, in honesty, this question cannot be answered with a simple and direct response; simply because personal preference is a major component in making this determination.


The first thing that must be done here is to bring some lucidity to the discussion. Android, is not a phone but an operating system, so in the truest and most general sense, it can’t be compared to the iPhone as a device. From a system perspective, the Android operating system would have to be compared to the IOS based system used by Apple in its iPhone line.

The truth is that iPhone would have to be measured against a particular Android Device. So for this comparison, we will use the HTC Droid DNA Android operated device in comparison with the iPhone 5. The HTC Droid DNA is highly comparative to the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S4.


It is important to understand that preference will play a major role in determining which device is better. For the person that wants a simple and predictable system that can be easily navigated, the iPhone 5 will definitely be more to your liking. The interface is simple and everything is a touch or a slide away.

iPhone vs Android
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For the person who is a little more tech savvy, and has a desire for greater functionality, the Droid operating system will more than likely be more appealing to them. There have been some marketing campaigns in which manufacturers of Android based phones have implied that iPhones are more suitable for older people (50 years of age or older) and that the Android based product is more suitable for tech savvy younger people.

It is not that cut and dry, but it does carry a bit of truth. Whether you are examining the hardware specs, the operating systems, or apps, you will find that the HTC Droid DNA measures up very well to the iPhone 5.

One downside to Android operated phones is that the battery life is short lived, requiring numerous charges during the day. This is because the multitudinous apps that can be downloaded draw on the battery. You can download a number of applications that will allow you to manage your battery consumption.

The Android based Droid DNA allows you to download an almost infinite number of apps, the majority of which are free. There are apps for apps. You are also able to customize your phone to make it uniquely yours, in function, appearance, and performance.

With the iPhone 5, you know what you are getting and the system has proven to be dependable over the years, but the functionality of the phone is limited in comparison to the Android based devices.
Understanding what you want and need in a phone will make it easy to determine which of these devices best suits you. Ultimately, you will determine which one is best.

Louis Rossmann

About the Guest Author:

Louis Rossmann is a straight shooting tech guy who specializes in repair and LCD replacement. Contact him through his Rossman Group website.