google-site-verification=rELuVVyS5Y8o0Ezst8ITY3su3PIT5khzDgo-anRp4o8 Wordpress And Social Networking ~ Tech Senser - Technology and General Guide

22 May 2013

Wordpress And Social Networking

WordPress, launched in the spring of 2003, is by far the most widely used blogging system on the web. It uses a template system, and has a “plug-in architecture” that makes it one of the easiest systems to use. It powers well over sixty million websites.

Social networking, in internet terms, joins people with similar interests and backgrounds together through the internet. Instant messaging and email were the first links in social networking, but many online communities have sprung up, giving people a chance to share all aspects of their lives.

It is only natural that WordPress and social networking would go hand in hand. Most social networking sites must, due to their structure, limit the amount a person can say to a certain number of characters. WordPress, on the other hand, allows virtually unlimited expression. The two were made for each other. So, how can you combine the two to balance out your communications?

Using WordPress And Social Networking Together


WordPress was almost custom made for work with social media. It’s plugin architecture allows users to customize their sites at an almost exponential rate. Each of the social networks has plugins, and they all “fit”, so to speak, with WordPress.


Each social media site has widgets that link through the plugins. The widgets are the little buttons on the side of your screen with the social network logo on it. When you’re on Pinterest, you can click on the Facebook logo and tell your friends on Facebook that you liked something on Pinterest.

On your website, if you had a good website designer, you’ll have a bar of widgets that allow your visitor to communicate with you through various social media. This is also how you add a search bar and category to your site. With widgets, you can increase the interaction between you and your customers or friends.

Wordpress And Social Networking
[Image Credits:]

Combine The Two

When you use WordPress for your blogging, you can post those blogs on Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other social site. This increases your brand recognition and keeps your business in the spotlight. Customers can read your blog or newsletter, accessing it from several different places.

Going “VIRAL”

With social networking, you can expand your reach and increase your visibility. You’ve probably heard a lot about viral videos on the internet. Well, people don’t actually make a “viral video”, they make videos that “go viral”.

That means the video spreads like an unknown virus. Millions of dollars a year are spend on advertising campaigns to try to come up with the latest viral video, but the truth is, it’s usually an accident.

However, when you compare your potential visibility through social networking sites to the “old days”, when you had to buy every piece of signage, the results are barely short of viral. Facebook even has a bidding process through which you can place ads for next-to-nothing.

Each of the networking sites provide these services, and you can access all of them through your WordPress account. So, give it a try. You’ll be amazed at how far you’ll go.

    Ian Zader

About the Guest Author:

Ian Zader is a blogger, writer and technical whizz. He loves to write about all things internet and technology. When he isn't blogging or writing, you can usually find him working for a web design company in Taunton.